カナイ マサユキ   KANAI Masayuki
  金井 雅之
   所属   専修大学  人間科学部
   専修大学大学院  文学研究科
   職種   教授
発表年月日 2015/11
発表テーマ Perception of Internationalization of Sociology by East-Asian Sociologists
会議名 13th East Asian Sociologist's Network Conference
主催者 East Asian Sociologist's Network
学会区分 国際学会
開催地名 Yokohama National University
概要 概要
This article reports some descriptive findings from a questionnaire survey for the participants in The 18th World Congress of Sociology on the perception of internationalization of sociology shared by East-Asian sociologists. For example, East-Asian sociologists feel more than sociologists in other regions that internationalization of sociology promotes standardization of research methods and a uniformed format for paper writing. They also face difficulties with language barrier, limited platform and information when they try to publish their works in international arenas. These findings would provide some empirical bases for discussing the characteristics of East-Asian sociology and possible strategies for it to take an active part of international academia.
発表要旨集名Internationalization of Sociology and Its Global Development

発表要旨集名(英語)Internationalization of Sociology and Its Global Development


